Since 1942, The Springs Close Foundation and its predecessor foundations have provided close to $150 million to nonprofit organizations in our communities.
The Springs Close Foundation continues to serve Colonel Springs’ legacy of giving back to the communities where Springs Mills plants were originally located. The Foundation has created Community Boards – one each in Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties. They are responsible for reviewing all grant applications, conducting site visits, and making the final grant decisions in their respective counties. Each county also has a Consultant on staff to assist grantees with the application process and to answer any questions you may have.
These boards are an integral part of what we do. They were created to more closely connect us with the communities we serve and to better understand the needs and solutions that exist in each county.
The Foundation follows a philosophy that resources are here to assist community groups and agencies with programs and projects that will contribute the most to improving the quality of life for the people in its service area. Funds are never adequate to meet all the identified needs in the area and the Foundation must carefully set its priorities. Each need will continue to be evaluated on its own merit and weighed against other requests.
If you have never applied for a grant with us or if you have a true emergency and need funding of up to $5,000, please reach out to Michele Lineberger at before you apply.
Please click on the link below:
168 Skipper Street Fort Mill, SC 29715 | (803) 548-2002 |
168 Skipper Street Fort Mill, SC 29715
(803) 548-2002
Copyright ©2022 The Springs Close Foundation. All Rights Reserved.